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Working with Laptop


The process generally goes like this:

  • Identify a goal to work towards (this may evolve over time).

  • Set some Action Steps.

  • Develop a solid plan.

  • Learn to manage and even embrace negative emotions.

  • Learn to question thought and action patterns.

  • Obtain your goal and find more peace in your everyday life!



What’s included:

– Access to me via email ALL THE DAMN TIME. Email me as things come up and I’ll get back to you within 24 hours M-F. Don’t worry about flooding my inbox, I want to hear all of the updates.


– Weekly/Monthly progress check ins on your main goal. Your homework (oh yes, there will be homework) will be based on your progress.


– Loving support but also me checking in on you a lot so that you actually do the things you know you need to do.

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